lundi 28 décembre 2009

WOP - bilan des dev

* screenshot from SimHQ

Common issues and suggestion:
* more views: guncam, following camera
* more relaistic weapons deviation depending on plane and construction with vibrations from firing
* replay - switching planes
* forcefeedback
* option for allowed views in MP
* option for allowed markers in MP
* animation of wing slats
* animation of wheels
* effect from wheels and engine on surface
* support of some joysticks (X-45 for example)
* pause button for sreenshots (not in mp of course) in
* different visual effects of cannon and machine guns hits
* settings for zoom speed
* torpedos and skip-bombing
* different volume for music in game and in menu
* animations for prop pitch in cockpit
* suggestion for enhanicng visual of oil on glass
* animated pilots in cockpits
* different flatter and wep camera vibration
* hotkey for reset all trimmers in
* more clear view in clear weather (less haze)
* sounds for Ju-87
* setting for accleration of camera rotaion and zoom
* better effects of burning planes and fire on the surface
* "INDIKATOR FLESH" (two mistypes) on spitfire wing
* realistic bomb-view

* option for gun divergence setting in a select plane menu
* lots of lags on bad connections
* optional markers for match settings
* main chat for all gamers
* option to change side in MP
* push-to-talk
* option for take-off\start in air
* Option for reloading weapons
* score system needs changes

Features requested and planned:
* dedicated server
* votes
* co-op
* mission editor
* quick mission editor
* plane customizations

Suggestion that are not going to be don for different reasons
* Bailouts are possible on high altitudes
* paratroopers are ghosts
* changing head position from joystick
* wingemn in training
* navigation lights

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